New Year musical fairy tale "The Return of the Nutcracker" to the music of P.Tchaikovsky, based on the fairy tale by E.Hoffman "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" in the new edition of R.Sherezdanov.
From December 23, 2017 to January 14, 2018
Director: Ruslan Sherezdanov (trainee-director of the theater)
Choreographer: Ravshan Charyev (trainee-choreographer of the theater)
Director of performance: Davron Radzhabov
Costume Designer: Lobar Palvanova
Dear friends!
The New Year is very close, and this means that the exciting, fabulous moment of our children's waiting for Miracle, magic, fun is approaching! Each parent, remembering himself in childhood, wants to give his child every year something new, unusual, to surprise, to please them, because the New Year remains for all of us the most sincere, kind, magical and quivering holiday. That's why SABT named after Navoi is preparing another New Year's surprise to our young spectators.
Well known and the fascinating music of the outstanding composer P.Tchaikovsky, E.Hoffman's fairy tale "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King" in the edition of young director Ruslan Sherezdanov dipped you into the world of a truly New Year's fairy tale. It is neither ballet nor opera, it is a musical fairy tale, where music, songs, dances and dialogues are combined.
The Nutcracker, the hero of the fairy tale by E. Hoffmann, is carried over in our days and carries the little girl Lara and her brother to the toy world where the fairy tale reigns. Since ancient times, a curse of Mouse king hangs on Nutcracker, and now, sensing something was wrong, the Mouse king stops the time before the onset of the holiday. We need to save not only the Nutcracker, but also the New Year. The new friends of the Nutcracker, Lara and Jakob help to overcome the villains, not by force, but by knowledge and ingenuity. Lara believes that Mouse King would have been very different if he had read fairy tales in his childhood and he would have liked books. She decides to help him in this, and the care of the girl awakens the good feelings of the Mouse King. He is presented with a book of fairy tales, to which he is very happy, because his secret dream has come true. And when it happens? Under the New Year! Now he believes in miracles! Sorcery spells are scattered, and the long-awaited New Year comes!
December 23, 2017
23 декабря 2017
Ticket office: (+99871) 233-90-81, 232-19-48
Administrator: (+99871) 233-33-36
Deputy Director for the audience: (+99871) 233-32-21
Theater address: Zip code 100029. 28, Zarafshon str., Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Phone / fax: (+99871) 233-35-28, E-mail:,